ftp.gilacountyaz.gov - /ftp/Elections/Redistricting 2010/Submittal/Precinct Boundary and Polling Place Changes/
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11/28/2011 2:33 AM 79360 1 Cover Letter - Precinct Boundaries and Polling Place Changes.doc
11/28/2011 2:33 AM 2286935 1 Cover Letter - Precinct Boundaries and Polling Places.pdf
11/28/2011 2:33 AM 12728 2 Exhibit List - Precinct Boundaries and Polling Places.pdf
11/28/2011 2:34 AM 7744099 Exhibit A - Board Presentation 11-01-11.pdf
11/28/2011 2:34 AM 1253042 Exhibit B - BOS Orders.pdf
11/28/2011 2:34 AM 1405691 Exhibit C - Applicable Arizona Revised Statutes.pdf
11/28/2011 2:34 AM 2641983 Exhibit D - Precinct Maps Before and After.pdf
11/28/2011 2:34 AM 15139 Exhibit E - Precincts and Polling Places After the Change.xlsx
11/28/2011 2:34 AM 12576 Exhibit E - Precincts and Polling Places Before the Change.xlsx
11/28/2011 2:34 AM 28672 Exhibit F - Precinct Population Change 2000 to 2010 Before Change.xls
11/28/2011 2:34 AM 35328 Exhibit G - Total Pop, Voter Reg by Precinct Before and After Change.xls
11/28/2011 2:34 AM 25600 Exhibit H - Precincts Within College and Supervisorial Districts.xls
11/28/2011 2:34 AM 33280 Exhibit I - Census Data - By Precinct After the Change.xls
11/28/2011 2:34 AM 25600 Exhibit I - Census Data - By Precinct Before the Change.xls
11/28/2011 2:34 AM 1702807 Exhibit J - DOJ No Objection Letters.pdf
11/28/2011 2:34 AM 14062 Exhibit K - Public Notice of BOS Meeting.pdf
11/28/2011 2:34 AM 215321 Exhibit K -Public Notice of Submissions.pdf
11/28/2011 2:34 AM 984789 Z04007-Precincts After - Shape File.zip
11/28/2011 2:34 AM 462536 Z04007-Precincts Before - Shape File.zip
11/28/2011 2:34 AM 104559 ZPrecinct Maps After asc file.asc