Data included on this DVD represents Final Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) data that has been published as effective FIRM or DFIRM information. The data are the official and legal representation of the effective flood zones. Directory Structure: ****************************************************************************** There are 2 versions of FEMA's DFIRM database: the Standard and the Enhanced. The Standard database information is stored under the /DFIRM_DB directory and if there are any Enhanced database tables, they would be stored in the /Enhanced_DB directory. The three database file formats are found in the following sub-directories: Files in Shapefile format (.shp/.shx/.dbf) are located at /ArcShape Files in ESRI Interchange format (.e00) are located at /ArcExport Files in MapInfo Interchange format (.mif/.mid) are located at /MapInfo. The /Document directory stores the metadata and readme files. The /Ortho_photos directory stores any applicable raster data that is shown on the map along with their world files. The /RFIRM directoy stores raster images of the printed panels along with their world files. The /FIS directory holds a copy of the FIS in PDF format, when applicable. For users without access to appropriate GIS software, a data viewer from ESRI, ArcExplorer 2.0, can be obtained for free at the following website. This software is freely distributable and technical support is solely available from ESRI at Description of Files: ****************************************************************************** User's note: This DVD may not contain all files listed below. Only database files relevent to the individual study are included on the DVD. ****************************************************************************** s_bfe - Base flood elevation lines on the printed DFIRM s_base_index - Raster base map tiling scheme s_cbrs - Coastal Barrier Resources System polygons s_cst_tsct_ln - Coastal transect lines s_firm_pan - DFIRM panel scheme polygons s_fld_haz_ar - Flood hazard zone polygons s_fld_haz_ln - Flood hazard zone lines s_gen_struct - Hydraulic structures shown on DFIRM such as (levees, wiers, bridges, dams, culverts) s_label_ld - Leader lines for printed DFIRM labels s_label_pt - Point location of printed DFIRM labels s_perm_bmk - National Geodetic Survey (NGS) benchmark locations s_plss_ar - Public Land Suvey System (PLSS) section polygons s_plss_ln - Public Land Survey System (PLSS) township, range, and section lines s_pol_ar - Political boundary polygon s_pol_ln - Political boundary line s_quad_index - USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle boundaries s_riv_mrk - River Mile marker locations s_trnsport_ln - Base map transportation line features s_wtr_ar - Water body polygons s_wtr_ln - Stream centerlines s_xs - Cross section locations study_info - General study information l_comm_info - Tabular data representing all affected communities l_mt1_lomc - Tabular data representing Letters of Map Change (LOMC) l_pan_revis - Tabular data representing historic FIRM revisions l_pol_fhbm - Tabular data representing FHBM revisions l_stn_start - Tabular data representing cross section stationing origins File Names, Locations and Sizes (in bytes): ****************************************************************************** DFIRM_DB/ArcExport/ l_comm_info.e00 2,634 l_stn_start.e00 3,547 study_info.e00 1,753 s_base_index.e00 463,895 s_bfe.e00 423,307 s_firm_pan.e00 398,559 s_fld_haz_ar.e00 6,900,739 s_fld_haz_ln.e00 6,155,779 s_gen_struct.e00 35,260 s_label_ld.e00 91,348 s_label_pt.e00 1,933,997 s_lomr.e00 8,275 s_perm_bmk.e00 115,172 s_plss_ar.e00 7,187,076 s_plss_ln.e00 4,985,065 s_pol_ar.e00 1,265,393 s_pol_ln.e00 1,258,930 s_quad_index.e00 135,594 s_riv_mrk.e00 18,096 s_stn_start.e00 12,161 s_trnsport_ln.e00 861,193 s_wtr_ar.e00 334,182 s_wtr_ln.e00 2,059,931 s_xs.e00 420,049 DFIRM_DB/ArcShape/ L_COMM_INFO.dbf 2,507 L_STN_START.dbf 10,738 STUDY_INFO.dbf 1,239 S_BASE_INDEX.dbf 28,431 S_BASE_INDEX.prj 425 S_BASE_INDEX.sbn 3,516 S_BASE_INDEX.sbx 292 S_BASE_INDEX.shp 53,340 S_BASE_INDEX.shx 2,892 S_BFE.dbf 71,990 S_BFE.prj 425 S_BFE.shp 122,212 S_BFE.shx 9,364 S_FIRM_PAN.dbf 51,670 S_FIRM_PAN.prj 425 S_FIRM_PAN.shp 37,172 S_FIRM_PAN.shx 2,116 S_FLD_HAZ_AR.dbf 204,402 S_FLD_HAZ_AR.prj 425 S_FLD_HAZ_AR.sbn 7,860 S_FLD_HAZ_AR.sbx 372 S_FLD_HAZ_AR.shp 3,677,488 S_FLD_HAZ_AR.shx 6,676 S_FLD_HAZ_LN.dbf 165,512 S_FLD_HAZ_LN.prj 425 S_FLD_HAZ_LN.shp 2,183,572 S_FLD_HAZ_LN.shx 23,316 S_GEN_STRUCT.dbf 14,824 S_GEN_STRUCT.prj 425 S_GEN_STRUCT.shp 7,732 S_GEN_STRUCT.shx 660 S_LABEL_LD.dbf 10,242 S_LABEL_LD.prj 425 S_LABEL_LD.shp 27,996 S_LABEL_LD.shx 2,636 S_LABEL_PT.dbf 1,907,782 S_LABEL_PT.prj 425 S_LABEL_PT.shp 184,284 S_LABEL_PT.shx 52,724 S_LOMR.dbf 350 S_LOMR.prj 425 S_LOMR.shp 596 S_LOMR.shx 116 S_PERM_BMK.dbf 15,702 S_PERM_BMK.prj 425 S_PERM_BMK.shp 12,924 S_PERM_BMK.shx 3,764 S_PLSS_AR.dbf 210,335 S_PLSS_AR.prj 425 S_PLSS_AR.shp 1,211,356 S_PLSS_AR.shx 39,196 S_PLSS_LN.dbf 1,084,858 S_PLSS_LN.prj 425 S_PLSS_LN.shp 1,393,652 S_PLSS_LN.shx 86,868 S_POL_AR.dbf 3,241 S_POL_AR.prj 425 S_POL_AR.shp 557,544 S_POL_AR.shx 268 S_POL_LN.dbf 7,202 S_POL_LN.prj 425 S_POL_LN.shp 449,428 S_POL_LN.shx 932 S_QUAD_INDEX.dbf 8,586 S_QUAD_INDEX.prj 425 S_QUAD_INDEX.shp 14,244 S_QUAD_INDEX.shx 932 S_RIV_MRK.dbf 2,642 S_RIV_MRK.prj 425 S_RIV_MRK.shp 1,836 S_RIV_MRK.shx 596 S_STN_START.dbf 1,456 S_STN_START.prj 425 S_STN_START.shp 1,192 S_STN_START.shx 412 S_TRNSPORT_LN.dbf 5,997 S_TRNSPORT_LN.prj 425 S_TRNSPORT_LN.shp 306,016 S_TRNSPORT_LN.shx 188 S_WTR_AR.dbf 1,792 S_WTR_AR.prj 425 S_WTR_AR.shp 115,668 S_WTR_AR.shx 180 S_WTR_LN.dbf 167,456 S_WTR_LN.prj 425 S_WTR_LN.shp 693,424 S_WTR_LN.shx 7,412 S_XS.dbf 223,953 S_XS.prj 425 S_XS.shp 82,412 S_XS.shx 5,884 DFIRM_DB/MapInfo/ l_comm_info.mid 880 l_comm_info.mif 520 l_stn_start.mid 2,836 l_stn_start.mif 1,233 study_info.mid 155 study_info.mif 456 s_base_index.mid 16,024 s_base_index.mif 53,463 s_bfe.mid 47,923 s_bfe.mif 89,357 s_firm_pan.mid 42,685 s_firm_pan.mif 35,208 s_fld_haz_ar.mid 88,101 s_fld_haz_ar.mif 5,007,119 s_fld_haz_ln.mid 103,079 s_fld_haz_ln.mif 2,807,517 s_gen_struct.mid 3,449 s_gen_struct.mif 5,823 s_label_ld.mid 8,066 s_label_ld.mif 16,914 s_label_pt.mid 309,111 s_label_pt.mif 184,337 s_lomr.mid 113 s_lomr.mif 743 s_perm_bmk.mid 10,956 s_perm_bmk.mif 13,032 s_plss_ar.mid 155,779 s_plss_ar.mif 1,354,173 s_plss_ln.mid 682,457 s_plss_ln.mif 1,179,274 s_pol_ar.mid 1,538 s_pol_ar.mif 765,408 s_pol_ln.mid 2,624 s_pol_ln.mif 610,935 s_quad_index.mid 4,268 s_quad_index.mif 12,940 s_riv_mrk.mid 1,300 s_riv_mrk.mif 1,891 s_stn_start.mid 723 s_stn_start.mif 1,694 s_trnsport_ln.mid 816 s_trnsport_ln.mif 420,158 s_wtr_ar.mid 420 s_wtr_ar.mif 158,432 s_wtr_ln.mid 49,087 s_wtr_ln.mif 906,375 s_xs.mid 120,214 s_xs.mif 69,240 DOCUMENT/ 04007C_20071204_metadata.txt 33,253 README.txt 34,833 FIS/ 04007CV001A.pdf 1,839,403 04007CV002A.pdf 9,934,477 Ortho_photos/ doqq_b_salt_river_peak_az_nw_v1.hdr 1,298 doqq_b_salt_river_peak_az_nw_v1.tif 48,792,694 doqq_b_strawberry_az_se_v1.hdr 1,387 doqq_b_strawberry_az_se_v1.tif 48,866,862 doqq_b_theodore_roosevelt_dam_az_ne_v1.hdr 1,306 doqq_b_theodore_roosevelt_dam_az_ne_v1.tif 48,844,470 doqq_b_theodore_roosevelt_dam_az_nw_v1.hdr 1,306 doqq_b_theodore_roosevelt_dam_az_nw_v1.tif 48,894,086 doqq_b_theodore_roosevelt_dam_az_se_v1.hdr 1,307 doqq_b_theodore_roosevelt_dam_az_se_v1.tif 48,874,658 doqq_b_theodore_roosevelt_dam_az_sw_v1.hdr 1,307 doqq_b_theodore_roosevelt_dam_az_sw_v1.tif 48,954,486 doqq_b_tonto_basin_az_ne_v1.hdr 1,296 doqq_b_tonto_basin_az_ne_v1.tif 48,913,514 doqq_b_tonto_basin_az_nw_v1.hdr 1,296 doqq_b_tonto_basin_az_nw_v1.tif 48,969,646 doqq_b_tonto_basin_az_se_v1.hdr 1,390 doqq_b_tonto_basin_az_se_v1.tif 48,934,022 doqq_b_tonto_basin_az_sw_v1.hdr 1,389 doqq_b_tonto_basin_az_sw_v1.tif 49,013,916 doqq_b_two_bar_mountain_az_ne_v1.hdr 1,296 doqq_b_two_bar_mountain_az_ne_v1.tif 48,792,694 doqq_b_windy_hill_az_ne_v1.hdr 1,289 doqq_b_windy_hill_az_ne_v1.tif 48,738,846 doqq_b_windy_hill_az_nw_v1.hdr 1,291 doqq_b_windy_hill_az_nw_v1.tif 48,788,410 doqq_b_windy_hill_az_se_v1.hdr 1,290 doqq_b_windy_hill_az_se_v1.tif 48,769,006 doqq_b_windy_hill_az_sw_v1.hdr 1,292 doqq_b_windy_hill_az_sw_v1.tif 48,818,582 doqq_b_winkelman_az_ne_v1.hdr 1,303 doqq_b_winkelman_az_ne_v1.tif 48,891,934 doqq_b_young_az_ne_v1.hdr 1,285 doqq_b_young_az_ne_v1.tif 48,607,378 doqq_b_young_az_nw_v1.hdr 1,284 doqq_b_young_az_nw_v1.tif 48,551,446 RFIRM/ 04007C0043D.pgw 117 04007C0043D.png 10,729,545 04007C0044D.pgw 117 04007C0044D.png 11,683,602 04007C0045D.pgw 117 04007C0045D.png 7,407,795 04007C0061D.pgw 117 04007C0061D.png 11,634,550 04007C0062D.pgw 117 04007C0062D.png 11,383,924 04007C0063D.pgw 117 04007C0063D.png 10,600,763 04007C0064D.pgw 117 04007C0064D.png 14,152,770 04007C0093D.pgw 117 04007C0093D.png 11,874,545 04007C0095D.pgw 117 04007C0095D.png 10,547,806 04007C0202D.pgw 117 04007C0202D.png 10,938,443 04007C0220D.pgw 117 04007C0220D.png 13,219,956 04007C0228D.pgw 117 04007C0228D.png 11,140,059 04007C0229D.pgw 117 04007C0229D.png 12,619,648 04007C0231D.pgw 117 04007C0231D.png 11,517,710 04007C0232D.pgw 117 04007C0232D.png 10,951,157 04007C0235D.pgw 117 04007C0235D.png 7,255,201 04007C0239D.pgw 117 04007C0239D.png 9,849,562 04007C0240D.pgw 117 04007C0240D.png 10,741,611 04007C0244D.pgw 117 04007C0244D.png 12,831,547 04007C0245D.pgw 117 04007C0245D.png 10,424,768 04007C0259D.pgw 117 04007C0259D.png 11,403,840 04007C0278D.pgw 117 04007C0278D.png 10,636,888 04007C0279D.pgw 117 04007C0279D.png 10,544,955 04007C0284D.pgw 117 04007C0284D.png 12,399,684 04007C0287D.pgw 117 04007C0287D.png 11,012,164 04007C0295D.pgw 117 04007C0295D.png 13,099,645 04007C0426D.pgw 117 04007C0426D.png 13,993,292 04007C0427D.pgw 117 04007C0427D.png 14,462,330 04007C0432D.pgw 117 04007C0432D.png 11,558,358 04007C0451D.pgw 117 04007C0451D.png 11,715,511 04007C0518D.pgw 117 04007C0518D.png 10,298,726 04007C0606D.pgw 117 04007C0606D.png 9,677,528 04007C0607D.pgw 117 04007C0607D.png 12,550,010 04007C0608D.pgw 117 04007C0608D.png 10,585,816 04007C0609D.pgw 117 04007C0609D.png 9,972,703 04007C0625D.pgw 117 04007C0625D.png 10,338,343 04007C0676D.pgw 117 04007C0676D.png 10,669,890 04007C0677D.pgw 117 04007C0677D.png 10,791,813 04007C0679D.pgw 117 04007C0679D.png 11,053,067 04007C0681D.pgw 117 04007C0681D.png 13,260,319 04007C0683D.pgw 117 04007C0683D.png 10,628,278 04007C0914D.pgw 117 04007C0914D.png 10,152,956 04007C0918D.pgw 117 04007C0918D.png 16,698,776 04007C0925D.pgw 117 04007C0925D.png 11,009,084 04007C1202D.pgw 117 04007C1202D.png 11,735,380 04007C1206D.pgw 117 04007C1206D.png 22,361,989 04007C1208D.pgw 117 04007C1208D.png 20,927,136 04007C1209D.pgw 117 04007C1209D.png 13,908,131 04007C1216D.pgw 117 04007C1216D.png 10,894,853 04007C1217D.pgw 117 04007C1217D.png 21,787,369 04007C1219D.pgw 117 04007C1219D.png 12,812,708 04007C1250D.pgw 117 04007C1250D.png 13,565,842 04007C1550D.pgw 117 04007C1550D.png 14,606,699 04007C1569D.pgw 117 04007C1569D.png 14,770,234 04007C1570D.pgw 117 04007C1570D.png 13,084,709 04007C1575D.pgw 117 04007C1575D.png 12,082,469 04007C1588D.pgw 117 04007C1588D.png 16,567,527 04007C1590D.pgw 117 04007C1590D.png 10,609,157 04007C1832D.pgw 117 04007C1832D.png 11,493,792 04007C1851D.pgw 117 04007C1851D.png 12,199,332 04007C2094D.pgw 117 04007C2094D.png 11,799,378 04007C2100D.pgw 117 04007C2100D.png 13,202,392 04007C2101D.pgw 117 04007C2101D.png 14,173,348 04007C2103D.pgw 117 04007C2103D.png 10,602,480 04007C2104D.pgw 117 04007C2104D.png 13,293,219 04007C2111D.pgw 117 04007C2111D.png 10,388,330 04007C2112D.pgw 117 04007C2112D.png 16,387,571 04007C2113D.pgw 117 04007C2113D.png 12,253,972 04007C2114D.pgw 117 04007C2114D.png 12,772,940 04007C2116D.pgw 117 04007C2116D.png 11,806,666 04007C2118D.pgw 117 04007C2118D.png 13,252,725 04007C2119D.pgw 117 04007C2119D.png 15,930,664 04007C2150D.pgw 117 04007C2150D.png 14,148,721 04007C2306D.pgw 117 04007C2306D.png 12,855,021 04007C2307D.pgw 117 04007C2307D.png 12,813,032 04007C2330D.pgw 117 04007C2330D.png 13,680,649 04007C2425D.pgw 117 04007C2425D.png 12,116,620 04007C2450D.pgw 117 04007C2450D.png 14,316,272 04007C2475D.pgw 117 04007C2475D.png 13,400,868 04007C2500D.pgw 117 04007C2500D.png 13,641,891 04007C2532D.pgw 117 04007C2532D.png 14,380,247 04007C2550D.pgw 117 04007C2550D.png 13,003,337 04007C2551D.pgw 117 04007C2551D.png 13,027,056 04007C2552D.pgw 117 04007C2552D.png 11,692,773 04007C2553D.pgw 117 04007C2553D.png 11,384,477 04007C2554D.pgw 117 04007C2554D.png 11,742,914 04007C2575D.pgw 117 04007C2575D.png 10,740,502 04007C2581D.pgw 117 04007C2581D.png 11,662,477 04007C2582D.pgw 117 04007C2582D.png 13,152,448 04007C_INDOA.tfw 123 04007C_INDOA.tif 6,048,454 04009CIND0A.tif 57,965,391